Hydraulic Filters

If you see a machine doing heavy lifting or work, you will find a hydraulic filter. Particle damage to components and pumps in a hydraulic system can cost companies a lot of time and money. Beta 1 Filters supplies thousands of different types of hydraulic filters from the reservoir to the return system. Our staff has specialized in hydraulic filtration and we know we can find the right filter for you.

Suction/Strainer Filters: Positioned in the reservoir or pump's intake. This filters primary function is to eliminate contaminants before they reach the pump. Many suction strainers are constructed with a bypass valve to avoid pump cavitation when the filter gets clogged. Typically, suction strainers are constructed with coarser wire mesh media, threaded endcaps, and are installed inside the reservoir. On the input side of the pump, a Suction filter is a cartridge style made of wire mesh and even cellulose or microglass.

Hydraulic Suction Strainer Filter
Hydraulic Suction Strainer Filter

Pressure Filters: Located after the pump this filter is designed to handle the full system pressure. It may also be used before a specific component for additional protection from contamination. Dependent on the pressure required these filters are offered in low and high collapse designed from 21 bar to 210 bar.

Pressure Filter
Pressure Filter

Return Filters: Before the fluid returns to the reservoir, it is necessary to remove any debris that may have been produced inside the system as a result of component wear. Due to the lower cost this is one of the most popular filters in a hydraulic system.

Return Filter
Return Filter

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