Unknown Filter Inquiry
Please complete the form to send your Unknown filter inquiry to Beta 1 Filters. We will usually respond to inquiries within 1 business day.
Unknown Filter Inquiry Form
Customer Detail
Part Detailed information
Important Information
Please use calipers when taking measurements to ensure accurate information.
When there is an o-ring take the measurement on the inside edge of the cap, not on the o-ring.
When measuring the length, please include the distance from cap to cap, as well as the overall length
including any protrusions.
If you can provide photos, please take a minimum of 3 pictures, 1 of each endcap and 1 side view.
Please note: When placing an order based on dimensions, the order will be non-returnable, non-
cancellable and non-refundable.
Please provide as much detailed information as you can about the filter below, the more information the more chance we have to identify your filter